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Parker Card: A Vital Tool for Scaling Ecommerce Businesses

In this article, we share the 4 main ways Parker help modern e-commerce businesses solve their biggest financial challenges.

Ecommerce · 6 minute read · By Mark Lupton · August 14, 2024 · Share

As a CFO, I get the privilege of helping great e-commerce founders build their brands and reframe the way they think about finance. One thing you quickly notice in this line of work is that while it’s relatively easy to start an e-commerce business—set up a Shopify, make an MVP product, run a few ads—it is exponentially harder to scale.

Here’s one example.

An e-commerce thought experiment

Imagine an online retailer doing $500,000 in monthly sales with a 20% profit margin. Despite their strong performance, they constantly struggle to stretch their profits to cover inventory costs, ad spend, and other operating expenses. They've taken on a merchant cash advance to plug the gap, but with the provider taking up to 20% of their daily sales, their margins (and cash flow) are getting decimated. 

As profitable as they are on paper, they're now in a precarious cash flow position that's hindering their ability to grow.

This is a reality I see many brands grapple with. Great brand. Great margins. Burning Cash.

The problem? There are many. But this one is completely unnecessary… 

Monthly credit cards provide a meager 15 - 30 day float. Loans and merchant cash advances (MCAs) come with burdensome repayments/fees that sap cash flow. Corporate card spending limits are unstable and analytics are opaque. And these are the most advertised options.

Then, about a year ago, I was introduced to a company called Parker—a finance platform for e-commerce brands. At the time, they were simply a credit card for e-commerce. “Great,” I thought, “there are plenty of those”. But the pitch from the Parker team was one I hadn’t heard from any other credit card offering: true rolling credit periods on every single purchase… and wait for it… with no interest.

This was particularly interesting because, in the past, the companies I helped with finance were struggling with cash flow—15 to 30 days of float and balloon payments and the end of the month made it hard to scale as fast as they knew they could. Parker’s pitch changed all of that.

For the rest of this article, I want to do a deep dive into Parker. I’ll share 4 ways I’ve personally seen the company help modern e-commerce businesses solve their biggest financial challenges.

1. Keep more cash and carry higher bank balances

One of the biggest advantages of Parker is its ability to help e-commerce businesses maintain a healthier cash position. 

With typical monthly cards, your cash is tied up again after just 15 days on average. In contrast, Parker lets you keep your cash for a full 60 days (or more) on your transactions. This means your bank balance can stay higher as you grow, giving you more opportunity to reinvest in your business or maintain a larger cash reserve.

Instead of violent dips in cash flow at the end of the month, Parker smooths things out.

And for a fast-growing e-commerce brand, the difference can be remarkable. With Parker, you have access to the liquidity you need to make strategic investments, prepare for seasonal spikes, or simply sleep better at night knowing you have a healthy cash buffer.

To learn how this works in detail, I recommend reading The Value of Float: How to Unlock Capital to Scale Your Ecommerce Business.

2. Keeping cash longer vs. getting cash back

As an e-commerce founder, which would you pick? 

  • Option 1: Pay for COGS and advertising after you sell your product.

  • Option 2: Pay for COGS and advertising before you sell your product, but get paid 2% cash back. 

Smart e-commerce founders will pick Option 1 every time.

When you pay for production and marketing after you make the sale, you free yourself from needing outside investment or cumbersome debt. This means you keep your equity and maintain control of your business. The best entrepreneurs understand that timing is power. They know that optimizing their cash conversion cycle is key to sustainable growth.

Sure, getting 2% cash back might feel good in the short term because it's easy to measure. But think about it, cash back rewards you for spending more. Is that really in your business's best interest? Expenses should feel like expenses—not opportunities for kickbacks. 

Parker takes a different approach. By letting you keep your cash longer and reinvest it in growth, Parker actively incentivizes you to grow your business faster and smarter.

3. Working capital vs. crippling debt

Not all financing options are created equal. MCAs from companies like Shopify Capital, Clearco, and Wayflyer are often marketed as quick fixes, but they can quickly become crippling debt if you're not careful.

Here's how it usually goes: you're in a temporary cash crunch, so you take an MCA to get quick funds. But then you realize that the MCA provider is taking 17% or more of your sales before the money even hits your bank account. They do this to ensure they get paid first, even if it means obliterating your margins.

Let's say your contribution margin is 35%. With an MCA taking 17%, you're left with a measly 18% to cover all your other expenses. Very few businesses can survive that kind of hit. Unless you're expecting a dramatic increase in profits very soon, you'll likely need to take on even more MCA debt just to stay afloat. It's a vicious cycle that can quickly drag you under.

Parker offers a smarter alternative. It's a true working capital credit line that doesn't siphon away your sales. With Parker, you get the financial flexibility to grow on your own terms. It's capital that works for you, not against you.

4. E-commerce expertise vs. generic banking

Here's one more thing you ought to know about Parker: it was founded by e-commerce owners, for e-commerce owners. Unlike traditional banks that try to be everything to everyone, the whole point of Parker is helping online brands thrive.

This specialization comes with several perks:

  1. Fast underwriting based on the metrics that matter for e-commerce

  2. The ability to obtain higher credit limits that actually make sense for your growth potential

  3. Credit limits that can scale quickly as your sales grow

  4. Longer payment terms (up to 60 days) to support your cash flow

  5. Low fees that don't eat away at your margins

With Parker, you're not just another account number. You're part of a community of growth-minded e-commerce entrepreneurs, backed by a financial partner that truly gets it.

The Bottom Line

As an e-commerce CFO, my role is to help founders make smart financial decisions that support long-term success. Regardless of whether Parker is the right fit for you, I believe this flexible financing model is the future for e-commerce brands looking to take control of their cash flow and unlock sustainable growth.

If you want to optimize your cash conversion cycle and maintain a healthier financial position, start by reevaluating your current financing strategy. Look for solutions that provide generous payment terms, scalable credit limits, and real e-commerce expertise. 

Your business deserves a financial partner that understands your unique needs and goals.

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