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How Voli Wellness Turned Financial Data into Growth with Parker

Parker's analytics platform is now the first place I go every day to check my company's health. It enables me to ask the right questions and make data-driven choices for sustainable growth.

Case Study · 1 minute read · By Parker · September 18, 2024 · Share

The Brand: Voli Wellness

Voli Wellness is a health and wellness company specializing in functional drink mixes that promote a healthy lifestyle for every occasion.

The Challenge

As a founder, I struggled to get a clear understanding of my business's core financials. Every day, I found myself:

  • Logging into multiple platforms (Shopify, Amazon, Facebook Business Manager, Google Ads, and Amazon Ads)

  • Manually downloading CSVs

  • Piecing together reports just to track sales and contribution profit

Despite all this effort, I still had no real grasp on whether my business was truly healthy or not.

Enter Parker

Initially, we were drawn to Parker for their innovative rolling terms credit card which help flip our cash conversion cycle. But since then, Parker's analytics platform has become an indispensable part of how I manage my business. It's now the first place I go every day to check the overall health of my company.

Parker has helped us in several key ways:

  1. Uncovering hidden issues: Recently, I noticed my sales numbers were more than 60% lower than expected. Thanks to Parker, I discovered that a significant number of our Amazon orders were suffering from payment failures, resulting in lost revenue. Parker's platform not only helped me uncover the issue but also allowed me to take swift corrective action.

  2. Streamlining investor updates: When investors ask for updates, I no longer spend hours compiling reports. I simply share screenshots of Parker's real-time analytics—investors love it.

  3. Guiding ad spend decisions: Parker's real-time P&L dashboard has become my guiding light for ad spend. While my instinct might be to increase ad budgets, Parker keeps profits front and center, ensuring that growth is sustainable, not reckless.

  4. Focusing on contribution margin: It's really helpful to see contribution margin on a daily basis. If it's negative I have to ask myself why? Parker is the platform that enables me to ask the right questions first.

  5. Understanding customer metrics: Parker's easy-to-read LTV and CAC data has been a game-changer. I quickly realized that my customer acquisition costs were higher than expected, leading me to refine our acquisition strategy.

Final Thoughts

If you're building a DTC e-commerce brand and want to grow profitably, Parker is the solution you need. Founders don't have the time to manage endless spreadsheets and navigate scattered data. With Parker, you get a single source of truth for your financials, so you can focus on scaling your business the right way.

Don't wait to get the financial clarity you need—try Parker today and see the difference it can make for your business.

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